Thalian Association Community Theatre will hold auditions for the final show of their Main Stage season, Legally Blonde, March 17 and 18 at 7 pm. Auditions will be held at the Community Arts Center, 120 S. 2nd Street in downtown Wilmington. The production, directed by Logan Hayes, runs May 16 through 25 at Historic Thalian Hall.
Please prepare 16 bars of a musical theatre or pop style song to sing along with the sheet music. An accompanist will be provided.

Callbacks will be Wednesday March 19 at the Community Arts Center. Please be prepared to read from a provided script, sing from the show, and attend a dance call.
Actors of all ethnicities and racial backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to audition for our entire season! All roles are available. New people are always welcome!


Elle Woods

The quintessential Valley Girl who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School and realizes that she has more to offer than just a pretty face and a bubbly personality.

Vocal range top: F5

Vocal range bottom: F#3


Greek Chorus; Students; Delta Nu Members

Emmett Forrest

A smart and sensitive law student who takes Elle under his wing. He is charming, quirky, loveable, and friendly.

Vocal range top: A4

Vocal range bottom: A2


A brash, caring, optimistic hair stylist who is friends with Elle and longs to find a man for herself.

Vocal range top: A5

Vocal range bottom: G3

Professor Callahan

A pompous, sleezy and manipulative law professor at Harvard who is highly successful, but completely immoral.

Vocal range top: F#4

Vocal range bottom: A2

Warner Huntington Iii

A good-looking but shallow and pompous guy who breaks Elle’s heart and heads off to Harvard Law.

Vocal range top: G#4

Vocal range bottom: A2

Vivienne Kensington

A smart, savvy, and uptight law student and Warner’s fiancée who initially dismisses Elle, but grows to be her friend.

Vocal range top: Ab5

Vocal range bottom: A3

Brooke Wyndam

An exercise video mogul who is also a former sorority girl. She is energetic and charismatic, yet currently on trial for murder.

Vocal range top: G5

Vocal range bottom: A3