Jane Lynn spent her early career as an arts in education teacher training specialist in Montgomery
County , MD schools. Jane consulted for the Smithsonian and Kennedy Center in Washington, DC arts in
education programs. Whie in Washington, DC Jane worked for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
and consulted to PBS, Discovery Networks and the Learning Channel. Jane commuted to Denver, CO to
create and launch the Starz Encore Networks and the suite of thematic channels Westerns, Love Stories,
Kids and Action. Jane’s career took her to LA where she worked for Disney/ABC International.
Returning to D.C. Jane created and launched the original international satellite radio spoken word
networks for WorldSpace. Jane was on the WETA radio and television board in D.C. and is currently a
member of the WHQR Community Board as well as Thalian Association. She is an ESL tutor for the Cape
Fear Literacy Council. She has a BFA from the University of Oklahoma in Theatre and an MEd from
George Mason University. Jane has two adult sons and four grandsons. She lives in Wilmington with her
husband George Stern, a CPA, and Goldie the rescue dog.